The fees can vary significantly based on the nature of the project and the consultant’s estimation of the work involved. Learn what consultants across every niche are charging per project, how they structure retainer deals, and what’s holding you back from earning more. Eventually, you’ll get to the point where charging by the hour is no longer the best method for you or your clients.

how much to charge for consulting

If you’ve been in business for a while, use the consulting fees that you have charged past clients as a general guideline, and perhaps modestly increase them periodically. If your consulting practice is relatively new, you can use your former salary as a general gauge of how much you should charge per hour or project. The money you get is not based on how many hours you are going to spend on the project. However, if you can finish faster the same task that somebody will finish in a longer period of time this means that your performance level is higher, so your consulting rates should be higher. Pricing models employed range from hourly rates to project-based fees, retainers, performance-based fees, or a blend of these approaches, whatever works best. Charging a retainer fee means that you will be receiving a monthly fee from a client while working with them in the capacity of a consultant.

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This answer varies for everyone, so you’re not going to find a golden number anywhere. Once you have a better grasp of the amount of work required, you’ll be better able to set your rates. Your value is long-term financial gain, removing annoying roadblocks, revealing business-changing insights, creating ongoing traffic, and more. It’s not just the time you put into consulting—it’s the results of the consulting.

  • Because your fee is an expression of value, low consulting rates don’t necessarily lead to work or respect.
  • Arm yourself with previously undisclosed data on real-world consulting fees.
  • You also have to figure out what kind of income you’ll need and what the market will bear.
  • As we already referred, consultants often charge clients based on the time spent on their projects.
  • Another thing you might want to do is create different pricing plans and packages for your potential customers.

If they were to hire you or someone else to provide the service you are about to provide, they’d be paying for all of those things out of their own pocket (not to mention unemployment insurance). Paying you more to not be an employee actually saves them money in the long run. Let’s take a look at the different methods you can use to create your pricing structure.

Strategies for setting your hourly consulting rates

First, if you are on a site like Credo then you get their approximate budget in the leads sent to you. If you have your own contact form on your own site (and you should!) then you can provide a pricing field. And if these are something you enjoyed reading, check out our WordPress booking plugin that your clients can use to schedule meetings with you. This self-evaluation allows consultants to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness continually.

how much to charge for consulting

Be patient, and don’t expect them to know exactly what they want from the get-go.

Data-informed decisions

People have been led to believe that goods and services have an inherent value—but they don’t. Pricing comes down to two parties agreeing to a specific number. At the beginning, you can just share video case studies like the below YouTube video where you interview clients who got positive results from your efforts.

how much to charge for consulting